Practice Self-Love

“The key to a happy life is to love yourself.”

You've probably heard that advice a lot. Maybe too many times.

There are many articles on how to love yourself. Some are brief, while others are more detailed. When I feel down, I like simple self-care tips to lift my mood and feel better when things are tough.

Here are some ways you can regularly practice and improve self-love. Your relationship with yourself is important, and by regularly doing self-care and self-compassion exercises, you can build a healthier and more positive self-image.

Love your body 

  • Feed your body with nutritious food

  • Do not indulge in overeating or neglect your body’s need for nutrition.

  • Take a shower, wear clean clothes

  • Get enough sleep

  • Exercise at least  2-3 times/week

Love your mind

  • Think positive. Even when life seems difficult, think positively anyway. 

  • Don’t let negative thoughts sabotage your growth

  • Learn to trust that the universe will bring goodness to you.

  • Do not overthink 

  • Write a  journal – when you think of something, write it down

  • Schedule a downtime for yourself without technology – no TV, no phone, nada.

  • Travel at least once a year – spontaneous itineraries,  just enjoy your time off, be flexible

Love your soul/spirit

  • Practice compassion and loving-kindness

  • Practice giving to others

  • Pray or meditate to whomever or whatever you believe in

  • Embrace who you are and stay true to yourself

  • Express your emotion through creative outlet – I believe that each human being is gifted with one creative ability. Find it and let it grow 

  • Get out more to be with nature; the trees, the water, the mountain

Be clear and confident in expressing yourself. Don't overthink it. The beauty of your story lies in staying true to yourself and embracing your authenticity.


Understanding Anxiety